Abolishing Dead Borders from Below
Sylvie Brodi
16.03. – 02.04.06
Who are these elegant young gentlemans?
For a first glance succesfull and well situated man, but surprisingly partly sad and lost. Who are these very yong gentlemans somehow irrelevanly wandering under harsh and dimm clowds, in the mists, and in shadow? They look most likely as poster or film characters. Or those man that we would most likely pop in to in some famous fashion butique, if, by chance, we had the opportunity to appear in such place. They look like people – as it seems – who don’t miss anything. Everything is clear to them. Their gorgeous girlfriends are expecting them in pavillons on the lakeside in sunny gardens… But what do they look for here? In deep woods under leafless trees, along with eagle owls? What is just bothering them, that they had set for far and frightening trip to woods wearing such clothes? Do they do it out of defiance? In the unpleasant regions, under unstable weather they meet only strong, fast, but lonely deers…Deers, wolfes, nightbirds…Are the animals wild at all? Or domesticated? Are they animals? Too often it seems imposible, that it, what is possible, could be also sweet.
Text by Jiří Kovanda