My World
Josef Duchan
07.07. – 28.08.16
Curated by Jana Ševčíková
The pictures by Josef Duchan give us an opportunity to peak into his concept of union of visual work: elements are radically fragmented to tiniest pieces and then integrated back to a super-complex unit. It is a kind of picture moulding by fractal geometry. The elements have rich colour and formal structure but under the flood of detail we can feel more global, freeing big form. We have a feeling as if the formally structured wholeness of the world could be observable not only in detail but also in its comprehensive fullness. The author knows he does not have to tell the usual stories of perception of the world; since the representative role of abstract forms allows him to be free of emotional and epic burden. Although he does not retreat and insists on his view, his pictures have a unique status in the Czech art scene.