

Miloš Šejn

29.09. – 28.11.21

The exhibition by Milos Šejn “SEMI-OPEN” aims to explore the multi-layered history of the site both of the Orangeria and of the entire complex of gardens of the Břevnov monastery, but also the existence of the monastery itself and adjacent spaces, directly charged with questions such as White Mountain, the former deer-park Hvězda and, after all, the likeness of the life of contemporary man and the landscape in this area of the city of Prague in the middle of today’s world. The author will be true to his previous artistic direction and will work consistently with both the given spaces and the position of himself, as a living being in the midst of beings other than only human society, but also a living verity within the organism of the place, its geological memory, the life of vegetation, the life of so-called higher organisms and all their manifestations as they are present in the forms of language, communication, being, co-existence and every conceivable form of architecture. Architecture in the literal sense as well as architecture in the sense of dreaming, wishing, co-caring, co-being.

The author’s presentation includes not only the “gallery” exhibit itself, but also related community types of meetings like SITE, WORD and TIME.

Accompanying program (details to be specified):

Thursday, October 14, on the terraces of the gardens of the Břevnov Monastery – Katarina Kadijević, Tereza Kerle, Rena Milgrom, David Helán, Tomáš Ruller


Wednesday, November 3 – & Ivo Hucl

Sunday, November 28 – & Bohemiae Rosa

Curated by Veronika Čechová

This exhibition is supported by The Union for the Protection of Authorship GESTOR.

The exhibition program of Entrance Gallery is continuously supported by: Magistrát hl. města Prahy, The Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic and MČ Praha 6.