Why Ii Light Sometimes Unpleasant?
Jiří Kovanda, Barbora Kleinhamplová, Stanislava Karbušická
09.09. – 17.09.11
After summer holidays the Entrance Gallery returns to the concept of exhibitions of Czech professors from art academies accompanied by their students. Instead of the usual format of presentation of two people, this time the number of artists expanded to three, as Jiří Kovanda is complemented by two students, Barbora Kleinhamplová (AVU Prague) and Stanislava Karbušická (UJEP Ústí n/L).
Raise here a podium for a show
Lamps for the need of musicians
Engrave circus figures all around
With a clear vivid line
That many would envy
Hang flowers and fowl around
Right next to neat dancers
And their empty clothes
Right next to the bosom of peculiar virtues
Neglectful clumsiness
Throw lapfuls of fragile statues
Onto great boulders self assured
To unleash joy and frolic
And give rise to an unintentional world
Gentle and solid
Where people stumble in daylight
Paul Eluard
From La Rose Publique