
Beauty in the landfill? Aesthetic experience and pollution

Ruta Putramentaite, Tita Salina

07.09. – 14.10.23

We imagine the ideal nature as immaculate, clean – but such an idea no longer corresponds to the prevailing reality – natural history documentaries artfully cover up the reality of pollution and toxicity, which is almost ubiquitous today, not only “outside”, but also inside our bodies. The exhibition will focus on how we are connected to the rest of life on earth in this regard as well. Is it possible to look for beauty even in a landfill? Objects from waste and nature by Ruta Putramentaite are a way of reusing unusable materials. Tita Salina’s video, in turn, shows the connection of waste with globalization and the power structures of late capitalism.

The exhibition program of Entrance Gallery is continuously supported by: Magistrát hl. města Prahy, The Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic and MČ Praha 6 and Gestor – The Union for the Protection of Authorship